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I am Ingus Selevskis, born in 1971 and grew up in Smiltene.
Was involved in a brotherhood of radio amateurs in 1984 by late Eduards Berzins, UQ2GW then(later YL2GW). First steps learning Morse code and other basics I spent in Smiltene Agricultural School where the local radioclub was. On April 5th of 1985, just the next day after my 14th birthday I made my ever first QSO! Sorry, but I don't remember the correspondent. That was from clubstation UQ1GWE. Some story about it could be read here(Thanks to YL2CP!). Later I was involved in a serious contest gang UQ1GZW in Valka, not far away from Smiltene. The station chief was Juris, UQ2GM(now YL2GM). Other special calls used during contests were UQ0A and later YL0A. 
In 1989 I got my own callsign UQ2GTW, which was changed to YL2TW in 1991 as a result of political changes after the crash of USSR. In 1994 I moved to Valka and still am working on air from here. In 2004 I got a special contest call YL9T which I use in various contests. 
In the end of 2007 I made up another setup for 160m DX chasing and contesting about 50km away from Valka(straight line, 70km by roads) in Varini village, away from densely populated areas. The closest settlement from there is more than 3km away so no industrial noises present there. Unfortunately the power supply is only 1 phase 220V which drops down a lot when PA is being used..... Anyway, receive conditions are great and 6 beverages are built there for it, while for transmission there is an Inverted L hanging on a very tall fir treee with vertical part of about 28 meters and 8 elevated(2-4 meters above ground) radials for TOP band. For other bands I use 80m Delta loop hanging between 2 tall trees with a height of upper side about 20m above ground and lowest apex where it is feeded in about 10m over ground level. 
In 2013 I bought another radio TS-870S mainly for YLFF activation activities, but also to try myself in SO2R category while contesting. For this I made another New Carolina Windom antenna for 80m, which is also very fine working on other bands too. So I put it up about 20m over the ground between tall pine trees and use it for working additional mults and stations on other bands while main rig is in RUN mode. As the powers are not too high, only about 300W for RUN station and only barefoot transceiver for S&P, there are no any stubs or band filters which allows me to keep it all quite simple. 
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